You have now successfully upgraded from diasend® to Glooko®, these are the next steps to take:
1. Install the Glooko® Uploader
If you have any physical device that needs to be uploaded to Glooko®, you will need to install the Glooko® Uploader to be able to transfer your data.
When you log in to Glooko® for the first time you should see a pop-up guiding you to the new software. If you missed this pop-up, you can also find the software in your profile (which you find right next to your name) in the section "Apps and devices".
2. Adjust the new account to your preferences and treatment plan
Your Glooko® account can be customized to your preferences and personal treatment plan.
Go to your profile to adjust settings like Target BG ranges, Unit of measurement and Daily time ranges. These settings will be reflected in the Glooko® reports that show on your account.
Please consult your healthcare provider before making any changes to your treatment plan.
3. Connect your apps
If you use any activity trackers or diabetes specific apps, make sure to reconnect them to your new account. You can do this in your profile under "Apps and devices".
4. Install the Glooko® Mobile app
Besides the Glooko® Web application, there is also a Glooko® Mobile app available where you can view data and even add events such as activity, carbs, insulin and more. There are even some devices that can be uploaded through this app, use the "Sync" feature in the app to find out more.
You can find the application where apps are downloaded (Google play store for Android and App Store for iOS).