If you upgraded your diasend® account to the new Glooko® platform, there could be a few reasons why you are unable to log in to or activate your new account:
1. Incorrect date of birth
2. Incomplete password
3. No activation email
4. Stuck in upgrade process
1. Check the date of birth on your diasend® account.
When activating the Glooko® account, you will be asked to confirm your date of birth. This date needs to be the same as what was once entered in the diasend® account. If the date was registered incorrectly on diasend®, Glooko® will not accept your actual date of birth.
To check the date in diasend®, log in to diasend.com and go to "My profile".
If that date is incorrect, please enter the incorrect date when activating the Glooko® account so that it can be activated and make sure to change it to the correct date once you are logged in to Glooko® under "Profile".
2. Incomplete password
Please make sure that you have filled all necessary requirements when creating your new Glooko® password. The Glooko® password needs to contain at least 8 characters including 1 number and one of the three following special characters @ ! # (any other special character will not be accepted).
3. No activation email
If you completed the steps to upgrade your account to Glooko®, but did not receive an activation email, you can go to my.glooko.com and reset the password using your email address.
After resetting your password, try to log in again on my.glooko.com.
If this does not resolve the issue, please contact our support.
4. Stuck in upgrade process
If you get stuck in the upgrade process or get any error while upgrading your account, please contact our support.