When you upgrade your professional account from diasend® to Glooko, your clinic admin will provide you with new individual login credentials. These new credentials will grant you access to the new Glooko platform from where you can access Academy™ (in a similar way as you could from your diasend® account).
As you are contacting the Academy™ platform with new Glooko credentials, you´ll be requested to run through the onboarding flow once more. IF you already had an Academy™ account before, which you activated with your old diasend® login credentials, then there is a way to migrate this “old account” and all the progress to your new Academy™ account.
Follow the steps below to migrate your account:
1) First you need to verify that you have entered the same professional registration number in both the old and the new account. Entering your professional registration number will be required during the onboarding process. To verify which professional registration number you added during onboarding, you can navigate to your account profile (from the right top corner of the screen).
If you are unsure which registration number you used for your “old account”, then please login to diasend®, navigate to Academy and check your Academy™ account profile by choosing “update my profile”.
2) Once you have entered the exact same professional registration number in your new account, the system will ask you if you want to migrate the progress from your old account to your new account.
3) To ensure we are migrating the right account, we also request you to enter your “personal user code”. This personal user code can be found in your old account when navigating to your account profile (right top corner of the screen). See also below how to find your user code.
4) Now enter your personal user code in the migration pop up and select “migrate data”. Done! You’ll see that all your previous course progress and attained certificates are now visible in your new account.