How to get started using diasend®
User guides
How to use insulin pens with diasend®
- Clinic - How to upload data to diasend® from insulin pens
- Patient - How to upload data to diasend® from your insulin pen
- Inviting patients to self-register in diasend® (video)
- How to register a connected pen in diasend® (video)
- Connected pens with Glooko Transmitter & diasend® Mobile app - overview (video)
- Webinar - Smart insulin pens in diasend®
Using diasend® Transmitter - Video tutorials
- diasend® Clinic - Setup Transmitter in clinic
- diasend® Clinic - Uploading a device using a USB cable
- diasend® Clinic - Uploading device using infrared technology
- diasend® Clinic - Uploading Animas Vibe insulin pump
- diasend® Clinic - Uploading Omnipod insulin pump
- diasend® Clinic - Uploading Roche Accu-Chek Spirit Combo insulin pump
Troubleshooting diasend® Transmitter
- Why doesn't the diasend® Transmitter start uploading?
- Why does the diasend® Transmitter go to error during upload?
- Why is the green light on the diasend® Transmitter flashing quickly?
- Why is the red light on the diasend® Transmitter flashing?
- Do I need to connect the diasend® Transmitter to a computer?
- What cable should I use and how do I order it?
Compatible devices for clinics
Viewing the data in diasend®
- How do patients share their data with our clinic?
- What does it mean to "invite patient"?
- How do I find and view the uploaded data?
- Report Reference Guide - Viewing the reports in diasend®
- How do I register a new patient to our Clinic account?
- How to save a device to an existing patient profile
Understanding the charts and graphs - Video Tutorials
- Compilation Tab - part 1 - Scorecard
- Compilation Tab - part 2 - Details
- Comparison Tab - part 1 - Logbook
- Comparison Tab - part 2 - Day by Day
- Glucose Tab 1 - Logbook
- Glucose tab 2 - Other Information
Frequently asked questions
- How do I get access to Academy™ ? (Only for UK and Ireland)
- Why can’t we upload FreeStyle Libre 1 via the Transmitter at the clinic anymore?
- How does the "Patient Overview" feature work?
- Colour coding for glucose data
- Is it possible to access patient data outside of the clinic?
- Do I need any software material? (software disc)