When the diasend Transmitter starts to transmit/upload a device, the blue indicator/light starts flashing rapidly. If a device is connected and the blue indicator doesn't start flashing rapidly, please check the following:
- Is the device compatible with diasend®?
-Please have a look at our current compatibility list to see if the device is compatible with diasend®.
- Have you followed the uploading instructions for the specific device?
- Please follow the instructions in the Quick Guide below:
Quick guide for Clinics - Are you using the correct cable?
- Please make sure you are using the correct cable for the device. Many cables may look very similar, but have completely different properties. Please read the Quick Guide above. - Is the cable properly connected?
-Make sure that the cable is properly inserted. - Are you using a USB hub?
-Please check that it's connected to the diasend® Transmitter and also to a power supply.
-Also try connecting the cable to another USB port. Sometimes the USB ports become damaged over time. - Are you trying to transmit/upload two FreeStyle meters directly after one another?
-After transmitting a FreeStyle meter, you must wait at least 15 seconds before transmitting another FreeStyle meter. - The cable might be damaged
-Try another identical cable. If that doesn’t work, the meter might be damaged. - The glucose meter could be low on battery
-Try uploading/transmitting another identical meter. If it works, replace the battery. If not, the meter might be damaged. Replace the glucose meters if you have eliminated other possible causes.